THRIBE Community

A community that thrives together!

On a daily basis we meet and work with people who intrigue us. They are diverse in their discipline, sector and life stage, but have one thing in common: they want to create a better world in their own way. However, sometimes they feel alone in their mission. 

The THRIBE is the place where we come together, as like-minded people, with this ambition. We strengthen each other through knowledge exchange and cooperation. Together with you, we shape the THRIBE! 


Next THRIBE Meet-up

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We do this together

The THRIBE is the place, online and offline, of like-minded people who want to make meaningful impact. There are a lot of people who want to make the world a better place. However sometimes, you could use an extra push in the right direction, an extra connection or some new knowledge that empowers you to make your impact.

That is the THRIBE. The members of THRIBE are bound together by their shared ambition. We have meetings on the Thursday evening every other 5 weeks, each time on a different topic. This community thrives, because of the knowledge sharing. It is definitely a two-way stream! We ask you to share the knowledge that you want to share, so you can help others out with your inspiring stories and interesting knowledge.


Central themes

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New economic

With many different upcoming theories on how the economy should work (think of: purpose economy, wellbeing economy, circular economy, post growth economy, degrowth economy, etc.), we aim to provide clarification.

What do this different approaches mean and imply? How do they work and do they actually achieve what they say they will? And maybe most relevant: how can I use these different approaches for MY day-to-day practice?

The different approaches are treated on both an abstract level as a very practical level.



Social entrepreneurship to us means: every action you undertake, you are aware of what this action means for the world around you, and you do the things that benefit the world.

Therefore in the THRIBE, we have a broad understanding of what social entrepreneurship is, and we focus on the different ways you can be social entrepreneurs.

We aim to provide the methods you can use with different aims of making impact.


Tangible ways
to create impact

Often we find ourselves with the question: I want to make an impact, but how do I do this? As a think and do tank for the purpose economy, we are constantly working on creating work methods that aim to put impact ambition to action.

With every topic we work on, we create a practical translation (f.e. a worksheet) that will help you put those abstract ambitions into tiny steps that make it easier to undertake action.

We focus on concrete tools you can use to make the steps that will help you get along with making impact.

What you get


Gaining and sharing knowledge and experience


Interesting meetups


Flexible membership


Connecting with likeminded people around the world


The THRIBE building blocks

Knowledge exchange, inspiration, connection and motivation are the central building blocks. The THRIBE is a community to be proud of, and where members join proudly. Why? Because the THRIBE is a place of impactful creation and individual development.

Membership of THRIBE is flexible. You are already a THRIBER when you join the LinkedIn group. Everyone with the ambition to make a meaningful impact can join THRIBE. The core value of THRIBE is that everyone develops in their own way by giving and receiving. 


So, what do you think?

I definitely want to apply!